Saying goodbye to old habits can be difficult.

Stop Smoking

Many people have had a great deal of success eliminating this habit through hypnosis. Some come in for a one-stop session; others are recommended a more gradual process of a 3 to 6 session program. If under more stress than usual, a stop smoking program is not recommended. Cheryl offers a Free Stop Smoking consultation to consider the client’s individual needs and to explain now the program works, including the two year guarantee which includes free booster sessions if needed.

Negative Self talk

Whether you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about the deeds of the day, or worry throughout your work day about how you should have handled a delicate situation in a more positive manner, negative self talk finds its way into our thoughts daily. With the help of hypnosis, we can learn to stop those negative thoughts and move to a more positive inner self-talk.

Weight Release

In America, where the subject of overweight is a consistent topic of conversation on every television talk show, to the office water cooler, to the bedroom at home – the latest “new diet” does not always do what it promises. Cheryl’s hypnotic Therapeutic Imagery helps you to find the healthy alternative to the tried and tired ways of the past. Getting the subconscious on board is the answer to healthy lifestyle changes — creating the new pathways to weight release success and permanent positive changes.